
Educação como acontecimento: experimentações de um currículo-nômade em processos formativos na comunidade de Murutinga, Abaetetuba-PA

This dissertation proposes to think of the formation and the school curriculum as art, creation, invention in a collective movement with the cultural knowledge of the rural community of Murutinga, in the municipality of Abaetetuba-PA. The research tracks configure a cartographic curriculumnomadic...

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Autor principal: CARDOSO, Rosileide Moraes
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/10887
This dissertation proposes to think of the formation and the school curriculum as art, creation, invention in a collective movement with the cultural knowledge of the rural community of Murutinga, in the municipality of Abaetetuba-PA. The research tracks configure a cartographic curriculumnomadic thought as a line of escape and possibility of reinvention of the pedagogical practices of subjects who experience the community. What we propose to explore here are other ways of thinking the formation, the language, the curriculum, moved by the local knowledge of the students and teachers, that is, a "drenched" education of situations and senses / formative experiences. In order to sew the research, we have as objectives: a) to map formative processes of student-teachers in the plots of a nomadic curriculum, permeating the rural area of Baetetubense, in particular those of Escola Maximiliano Antônio Rodrigues; b) reverberate the echoes of a singular Amazonian education (Abaetetubense), confabulating literary art and creation of realities; c) to enhance the formative experiences born of the teacher-student interaction in the dialogue with the local histories and knowledge, in order to recreate the dynamics of the curriculum and the school formation. In theoretical-methodological terms, the present body of writing is drawn from a perspective of the Philosophy of Difference in Education (DELEUZE & GUATTARI, 1992, SILVA, 2000, CORAZZA, 2001, GALLO, 2008, MEYER and PARAÍSO, 2012) Post-criticism of curriculum and training, and the Deleuzian-Guattarian-inspired Cartography, for bringing the perspective of a mobile and multiple thinking-research, capable of tearing up the chaos of education and of experimenting with other ways of inventing an education as art and event. The mapping course is weaved in dialogue with the narratives and cultural knowledge of subjects of the community surveyed. In this way, the text is organized in four interconnected moments: rst scribbles what the training represented and / or represents for the teachers who live and work in the rural-country space and islands of Abaetetuba since the 1990s; the second presents training as a voracious mechanism for the construction of a nomadic curriculum (CORAZZA, 2001); the third deals with the cartographic curriculum, of an education as a creation-invention depicting process formation, not properly what it is, but what training wants; the fourth, imbibed by an adventurous formation, to create steps for the mobility of thinking, to wander from one knowledge to another, creating gaps for a curriculum that dances (SILVA, 2000; COSTA, 2007), who thinks and invents an education as an event (CORAZZA, 2001) and as sense-experience (LARROSA, 2002). And finally, in the final lines, I make a brief survey of the itineraries, of the experiences and experiments built in the intersubjective interaction with the research subjects.