
Pasión y Razón: Solución al problema de la desobediencia en el Leviatán

In front of a new formulation of a problem of disobedience in the philosophy of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, a study of the first part of this work seeks the elements that may face the problem of the possibility of rational disobedience and everything that implies for the political theory within this...

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Autor principal: LEÓN SÁENZ, Brayan Leonardo
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: spa
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11244
In front of a new formulation of a problem of disobedience in the philosophy of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, a study of the first part of this work seeks the elements that may face the problem of the possibility of rational disobedience and everything that implies for the political theory within this text. Making an analysis of natural law, the theory of authorization, but mainly the description of a theory of rational action, this work shows the impossibility of rational disobedience; in addition, those passages suggesting this possibility do not end with absolutism that characterizes the philosophy of Hobbes. The theory of rational action becomes a guidance for an interpretation that seeks to establish this political theory as consequence of the description of human nature.