
Memórias de saberes construídos no processo de se constituir professor em Vila Que Era (Bragança-Pará)

This study presents registration and reflections on the history of teacher training of a teacher's field retiree who served in the 80 and 90 in the Town of Vila Que Era near the city of Bragança, northeastern state of Para, Brazil. As a source to retell and remember part of his teaching career was r...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, Sílvia do Nascimento
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5886
This study presents registration and reflections on the history of teacher training of a teacher's field retiree who served in the 80 and 90 in the Town of Vila Que Era near the city of Bragança, northeastern state of Para, Brazil. As a source to retell and remember part of his teaching career was right to recall the life stories of the man in question, and the memory element revitalizing memories. For this study it was necessary to go the path of Rural Education in Brazil, in the perspective view are the public policies that have been developed meet the needs of this segment and how these policies contemplated the continuing education of teachers in Brazil. As a general objective, I want to know how was the trajectory of teacher training for a retired teacher to cognize, recognize and retrieve knowledge present in their practices given that it has not obtained title to higher education. This is a qualitative research and data collection was conducted fieldwork with partially structured interviews, with participant observation, to analyze through narratives of the respondent that, in recalling the stories of his life and the town, indicate the process of form teacher and draw a profile of the same identity, taking into account the importance of this location is to its residents, given that it has 400 years of existence, and carries with it a huge story of religious and cultural tradition. To theoretical support I dialogued with some theorists arguing about identity, teacher training, memoirs, field education and Almeida (2007), Brandão (1988), Bonaventure (2004), Bosi (2004), Caldart, Josso (2004), Soares (2002), Freire (2005), Hall (2006) Chauí (2007) among others. Finally, it concludes that throughout his career teaching the teacher used the environment, local culture, the tradition, the prior knowledge of students as guiding principles in the construction of their educative practice. Another reality observed in this work, it was about the lack public policies to meet the needs of rural schools and also the lack of teacher training as a priority to meet the demands of the field and create opportunities improvements in education of children, youth and adults.