Citação norma APA

Queiroz, A. L. N., Barros, R. S., Silva, S. P. d., Rodrigues, D. S. G., Cruz, A. C. R., Santos, F. B. d., . . . Nunes, B. T. D. (2021). The usefulness of a duplex RT-qPCR during the recent yellow fever brazilian epidemic: Surveillance of vaccine adverse events, epizootics and vectors. MDPI.

Citação Padrão Chicago

Queiroz, Alice Louize Nunes, Rafael S. Barros, Sandro Patroca da Silva, Daniela Sueli Guerreiro Rodrigues, Ana Cec?lia Ribeiro Cruz, Fl?via B. dos Santos, Pedro Fernando da Costa Vasconcelos, Robert B. Tesh, and Bruno Tardelli Diniz Nunes. The Usefulness of a Duplex RT-qPCR During the Recent Yellow Fever Brazilian Epidemic: Surveillance of Vaccine Adverse Events, Epizootics and Vectors. MDPI, 2021.

Citação MLA

Queiroz, Alice Louize Nunes, et al. The Usefulness of a Duplex RT-qPCR During the Recent Yellow Fever Brazilian Epidemic: Surveillance of Vaccine Adverse Events, Epizootics and Vectors. MDPI, 2021.

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