Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Uma trajetória de vida ribeirinha tendo como ênfase a formação docente no PARFOR

This memorial aims at a biographical approach to my life, from childhood to adulthood. Rescuing my history, reminiscences of a not so distant past bringing me memories that today, I realize were useful to my moral, intellectual and professional growth. This work aims to analyze how the formation of...

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Autor principal: CORRÊA, Franciane Gonçalves
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2024
Acesso em linha:
This memorial aims at a biographical approach to my life, from childhood to adulthood. Rescuing my history, reminiscences of a not so distant past bringing me memories that today, I realize were useful to my moral, intellectual and professional growth. This work aims to analyze how the formation of PARFOR contributed to the transformation of my pedagogical practice as a teacher in a riverside school, linking with my theory / practice. Being a riparian is the person who is born or lives in a certain place that sits on the banks of rivers, streams, lakes and bays. Its function is also to inform the approach of the most striking phases of my life, some school years, professional life and teacher training. It was developed from a qualitative and bibliographical research, with theoretical assumptions such as: Célia Linhares, Dermeval Saviani, Paulo Freire and Salomão Mufarrej, which provided plausible references for the problems raised here. The results of this register indicate that, yes, the work of the teacher in the riverside schools, especially in multisite classes, requires a lot of investment, which includes a set of activities that extend beyond the classroom, impacting on the professional identity and the quality of life of the same, making it necessary the constant search for actions that value the superior and continuing teacher training, guaranteeing the appreciation of this educator protagonist of the Amazonian riverside scenario in all its aspects.