Citação norma APA

Simões, P. I., Stow, A. J., Hödl, W., Amézquita, A., Farias, I. P., & Lima, A. P. (2020). The value of including intraspecific measures of biodiversity in environmental impact surveys is highlighted by the Amazonian brilliant-thighed frog (Allobates femoralis). Tropical Conservation Science.

Citação Padrão Chicago

Simões, Pedro Ivo, Adam J. Stow, Walter Hödl, Adolfo Amézquita, Izeni P. Farias, and Albertina Pimental Lima. The Value of Including Intraspecific Measures of Biodiversity in Environmental Impact Surveys Is Highlighted By the Amazonian Brilliant-thighed Frog (Allobates Femoralis). Tropical Conservation Science, 2020.

Citação MLA

Simões, Pedro Ivo, et al. The Value of Including Intraspecific Measures of Biodiversity in Environmental Impact Surveys Is Highlighted By the Amazonian Brilliant-thighed Frog (Allobates Femoralis). Tropical Conservation Science, 2020.

Nota: a formatação da citação pode não corresponder 100% ao definido pela respectiva norma.