Citação norma APA

Matschullat, J., Martins, G. C., Enzweiler, J., F von Fromm, S. F., Leeuwen, J. V., Lima, R. M. B. d., . . . Zurba, K. (2020). What influences upland soil chemistry in the Amazon basin, Brazil? Major, minor and trace elements in the upper rhizosphere. Journal of Geochemical Exploration.

Citação Padrão Chicago

Matschullat, J., Gilvan Coimbra Martins, Jacinta Enzweiler, Sophie F. F von Fromm, Johannes Van Leeuwen, Roberval Monteiro Bezerra de Lima, Mauana Schneider, and Kamal Zurba. What Influences Upland Soil Chemistry in the Amazon Basin, Brazil? Major, Minor and Trace Elements in the Upper Rhizosphere. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2020.

Citação MLA

Matschullat, J., et al. What Influences Upland Soil Chemistry in the Amazon Basin, Brazil? Major, Minor and Trace Elements in the Upper Rhizosphere. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2020.

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