Citação norma APA

Silva, M. R. d., Barbosa, P., Artoni, R. F., & Feldberg, E. (2020). Evolutionary Dynamics of 5S rDNA and Recurrent Association of Transposable Elements in Electric Fish of the Family Gymnotidae (Gymnotiformes): The Case of Gymnotus mamiraua. Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

Citação Padrão Chicago

Silva, M. R. da, Patrícia Barbosa, Roberto Ferreira Artoni, and Eliana Feldberg. Evolutionary Dynamics of 5S RDNA and Recurrent Association of Transposable Elements in Electric Fish of the Family Gymnotidae (Gymnotiformes): The Case of Gymnotus Mamiraua. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 2020.

Citação MLA

Silva, M. R. da, Patrícia Barbosa, Roberto Ferreira Artoni, and Eliana Feldberg. Evolutionary Dynamics of 5S RDNA and Recurrent Association of Transposable Elements in Electric Fish of the Family Gymnotidae (Gymnotiformes): The Case of Gymnotus Mamiraua. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 2020.

Nota: a formatação da citação pode não corresponder 100% ao definido pela respectiva norma.