Citação norma APA

Freire, A. K. L. L., Bentes, A. d. S., Lima Sampaio, I. d., Matsuura, A. B. J., Ogusku, M. M., Salem, J. I., . . . Souza, J. V. B. d. (2020). Molecular characterisation of the causative agents of Cryptococcosis in patients of a tertiary healthcare facility in the state of Amazonas-Brazil. Mycoses.

Citação Padrão Chicago

Freire, Ana Karla Lima L., Amaury dos Santos Bentes, Ivanete de Lima Sampaio, Ani Beatriz Jackisch Matsuura, Maurício Morishi Ogusku, Júlia Ignez Salem, Bodo Wanke, and João Vicente Braga de Souza. Molecular Characterisation of the Causative Agents of Cryptococcosis in Patients of a Tertiary Healthcare Facility in the State of Amazonas-Brazil. Mycoses, 2020.

Citação MLA

Freire, Ana Karla Lima L., et al. Molecular Characterisation of the Causative Agents of Cryptococcosis in Patients of a Tertiary Healthcare Facility in the State of Amazonas-Brazil. Mycoses, 2020.

Nota: a formatação da citação pode não corresponder 100% ao definido pela respectiva norma.