Citação norma APA

Schöngart, J., Junk, W. J., Piedade, M. T. F., Ayres, J. M., Hüttermann, A., & Worbes, M. (2020). Teleconnection between tree growth in the Amazonian floodplains and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation effect. Global Change Biology.

Citação Padrão Chicago

Schöngart, Jochen, Wolfgang Johannes Junk, Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade, José Marcio Ayres, Alloys Hüttermann, and Martin Worbes. Teleconnection between Tree Growth in the Amazonian Floodplains and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation Effect. Global Change Biology, 2020.

Citação MLA

Schöngart, Jochen, et al. Teleconnection between Tree Growth in the Amazonian Floodplains and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation Effect. Global Change Biology, 2020.

Nota: a formatação da citação pode não corresponder 100% ao definido pela respectiva norma.