Era uma vez: uma história da história da educação, da infância, do ensino fundamental e do livro didático através do conto de fadas

This research arises from the understanding of the potential in fairy tales as motivators of interest in literary reading on early childhood education. Starting from the interest in analyzing the course of these narratives and their contributions to the formation of the child, the objective of th...

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Autor principal: Carmo, Andréia Nascimento
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2018
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This research arises from the understanding of the potential in fairy tales as motivators of interest in literary reading on early childhood education. Starting from the interest in analyzing the course of these narratives and their contributions to the formation of the child, the objective of this work is to investigate the space occupied by fairy tales in children's education, more specifically in the school and in the textbooks. To do so, we direct our work to a brief research on the history of the feeling as a childhood and the identification of the space occupied by the teaching of popular literature - the fairy tale - at school. Next, we observed an approaching given to these narratives in the textbook, based on the activities deployed from them. For an execution of our proposal, we used a bibliographical and documentary research methodology that searches for the theorist in works by Philippe Ariès, Regina Zilberman, Vladimir Propp, Michèle Simonsen, Jesualdo, Eliana Yunes, Daniela Versiani, Gilda Carvalho, Paulo Freire and others no less important. Thus, we set out the following specific objectives: 1) To draw a brief history of the social construction on childhood; 2) To map the course of the scholastic life in the Middle Ages to the present day; 3) To investigate an imbrication and consequences in the moment when a childhood is socially constructed and the transformation of the High Meddle Ages model that occur at the end of the seventeenth century, that takes shape in the eighteenth century; 4) To recover the process of transcription on fairy tales through the collections of the Grimm Brothers; 5) Identify the location fairy tales in legal landmarks, at school and in the elementary school textbooks. We believe that fairy tales constitute a proposal for stimulating the reading and production in a text through the popular literature, with significant gains for students and teachers, inside and outside the classroom. In this way, we consider fairy tales as a teaching tool, enabling the development of language skills - listening, speaking, reading, writing - in a contextualized way such as teaching students, contact with literary texts, which are essential elements for the process of construction in the literary reader and the formation of the child.