
Tecendo a luta: memória, violência e violação dos direitos humanos em arpilleras bordadas por mulheres atingidas pela UHE Belo Monte

This research studies the narratives of violence and violation of human rights suffered in the context of the Belo Monte dam construction, inscribed in colorful threedimensional embroidery, called arpilleras. The arpilleras became known worldwide for denouncing the cruelty contours of the Militar...

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Autor principal: Soares, Monise Vieira Busquets
Grau: Tese
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/1744
This research studies the narratives of violence and violation of human rights suffered in the context of the Belo Monte dam construction, inscribed in colorful threedimensional embroidery, called arpilleras. The arpilleras became known worldwide for denouncing the cruelty contours of the Military Dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973- 1992). In Brazil, this same embroidery technique serves as support for women from the Women's Collective of the Movement of Dam-Affected People, to embroider the violence and human rights violations to which they are subjected. This work reflected on the embroidered arpilleras in the context of the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant, in the State of Pará, Amazon region. Having as analytical backbone the Abyssal Thought, postulated by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, the scientific doing based on Southern Epistemologies, besides reflecting on the struggle for human dignity and the hegemonic canon of universal human rights. Finally, this work studies the artisanal character of the struggle undertaken by the embroiderers women of the Movement of Dam-Afeccted People and how the violence is embodied in the concrete bodies, be they collective and individual, besides formulating a reading about the elements contained in arpilleras with the theme of violence and violation of human rights by recording the testimony of women fighting for human dignity through embroidery.