
Processo judicial eletrônico: estudo da implantação no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Tocantins

Technological progress is remarkable fact and contained in the twenty-first century. Seeing the numerous vantanges, the Brazilian Judiciary decided to face the challenge and surrender to technology as a way to offer citizens a judicial provide faster, transparent, efficient. For this, it was enac...

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Autor principal: Pereira, Sinara Cristina da Silva
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2016
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/213
Technological progress is remarkable fact and contained in the twenty-first century. Seeing the numerous vantanges, the Brazilian Judiciary decided to face the challenge and surrender to technology as a way to offer citizens a judicial provide faster, transparent, efficient. For this, it was enacted Law No. 11419/2006, which authorized the use of electronic means in the course of judicial proceedings, and sets out the rules for compliance by agencies. With this dissertational study, we intend to discuss the historical context about the electronic process in Brazil, how was the trajectory of Brazilian reality until the enactment of Law 11419, the laws that have been passed over the years authorizing some kind of technological means to facilitate procedural formalities. The work will also discuss the implementation of the electronic process in Brazil and its consequences. As the main object of study, the implementation of the electronic court system in the state of Tocantins will be analyzed, and in the background demonstrate the reality of the judiciary as a whole, in every sphere of competence, analyzing the data and making a study comparison of the various electronic processing systems that are currently in full operation in the Brazilian legal system, including making a brief note of the procedural electronic systems that are currently in use by these agencies. At the end, we leave recorded suggestions for consideration by the Commission of Information Technology of Tocantins Court of Justice to assess the functionality and subsequent inclusion, updating the e-Proc system, the electronic process elected by TJTO.