
Reconstruindo o conceito de vulnerabilidade econômica a partir da problemática da financeirização da riqueza social e seus impactos em Araguaína - TO

The financial of wealth was stalled within in the world Market in the last 40 years, brought by the formations and changes of the captalism, made possible by the globalization of theese markets, products and currencies. This new form of financial captalism left of having the production as the...

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Autor principal: Fernandes, Wania Lima
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2678
The financial of wealth was stalled within in the world Market in the last 40 years, brought by the formations and changes of the captalism, made possible by the globalization of theese markets, products and currencies. This new form of financial captalism left of having the production as the center of wealth accumulation and pass to adote the rentier investment, that deflects resources from real production reducing jobs and pushhes the business sector to a trade format that priorize gains throught financial intermediation. This configuration affects not only the big urban centers, but also the inland and it has been shown harmful for the financial development of low income families, a profile of the most part of the brazilian population compromissing their income and reducing their capacity of buying and results, negativity interfering with their income and assest necessary for a minimally dignified life. This model limits the freedom of choice of a population that is restricted to the basic for their survival and their Family, due to low salaries that are compromissed by the indebteness from an expensive credit authorized by the State itself, ally with a low contribution of quality social services, that forces citizens to spend even more than they should. Theese restrictions reach the people of Araguaína- TO, afecting their way life, reducing their capacities of reach better level of quality, becoming economic vunerables individuals.