
A trajetória da política de saúde, a construção do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e os direitos da pessoa com câncer no Brasil

This paper concludes the course entitled “The Trajectory of Health Policy, Construction of the Unified Health System (SUS) and the Rights of People with Cancer in Brazil”. The objectives of the study were: to know the socio-historical trajectory of health as a right, a process that culminated in the...

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Autor principal: Amaral, Gláucia Pereira
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2022
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This paper concludes the course entitled “The Trajectory of Health Policy, Construction of the Unified Health System (SUS) and the Rights of People with Cancer in Brazil”. The objectives of the study were: to know the socio-historical trajectory of health as a right, a process that culminated in the configuration of SUS within the Brazilian Social Security, as well as its difficulties in materialization; systematize the rights of people with cancer within the SUS and some aspects of this particularity in Tocantins. In addition, we address aspects related to the social and emotional dimension of the disease, given the fact that it is a serious disease, almost always the “meaning of death”. The methodology used consisted of conducting a bibliographic survey about the theme. Thus, we proceed to the analysis of theoretical productions about health policy, from critical authors, highlighting the Marxist tradition. For cancer patients receiving treatment in the city of Palmas-Tocantins, there is a highly complex care network and specialized services offered at Palmas general hospital, where procedures such as consultations, examinations and referral to a multidisciplinary team are performed. In its internal policy, the HGP is open to other states and municipalities, the regulation is made by the ANPES system, or Municipalities Secretariat. UNACON is a High Complexity Care Unit, which has three doctors on staff. Radiotherapies and chemotherapies, when requested to perform the two associated procedures, patients are referred for treatment away from home (PDT) to include the city of Imperatriz-MA, in case of Cervical Cancer, in cases that users do not have. need to perform both procedures on the same date, radiotherapy is performed at the Cancer Hospital in Palmas. About the existing support networks, we can affirm as a support to the cancer network, without its substitutive feature; among them in Palmas there is the Municipalities Secretariat; Support House; Women's League.