
Prática de mediação de leituras em sala de aula: formação de leitores

This work consists of reports and reflections of a practice of reading mediation held in a school of the municipal network of teaching in Araguaína - TO, in a class of 4th stage of EJA. We propose, inserted in the perspective of the action research, the qualitative approach (BORTONI-RICARDO, 2008; P...

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Autor principal: Macedo, Luzinete Silva
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2017
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/401
This work consists of reports and reflections of a practice of reading mediation held in a school of the municipal network of teaching in Araguaína - TO, in a class of 4th stage of EJA. We propose, inserted in the perspective of the action research, the qualitative approach (BORTONI-RICARDO, 2008; PRADO AND CUNHA, 2007), an intervention work in order to effectively carry out the practice of reading mediation, contributing with the process of reading formation of the student. We note, in school reading practices, the lack of interest of the students, translated in its difficulty to understand written texts, whether simple or complex. Before this situation and finding, we sought a methodology that would make possible more fruitful school practices of readings. Thus, from the study of bibliografical references on this subject (GERALDI, 1997, 2006; KLEIMAN, 2007, 2013; FREIRE 1989; LEFFA 1999; KOCH AND ELIAS, 2013), we propose readings and mediate the understanding process carried out by the students, starting from their reading experiences and discussing the various aspects involving the text genres, given that our proposal for mediation is based in the work with the textual diversity, and besides of discussing the importance of the proficient reading in our social practices of writing use. The option to take the readings mediator posture in the classroom is, first of all, a decision that considers foreground the reader experience of the student, or at least to recognize that this student is inserted in literacy practices, and therefore, already has the minimum knowledge in the use of writing. In this sense, the practice of the mediator teacher is conceived as a way to facilitate the development of the student's reading ability, stimulating its interest in instigating in the learner the like for reading, and mediating the dialogue between reader - text and reader-author. Before these reflections and stories from our experience we have seen how we learn and share with students knowledge concerning the readings taken in the classroom. And still we had opportunity to experience the practice of reading mediation based in theoretical frameworks, enabling us, thus, a proper evaluation and a better conduction of reading activities, which only added to our practice as a professional of the area. The proposal was thought in a continuous view of the reading practice, incorporated into the routine of the classroom, because we understand that the issue of the training of proficient readers is the result of a long process, based on persistence, regularity, planning and mediation reading activities.