O discurso do poder paralelo: uma análise arqueogenealógica do estatuto do PCC

This research presents an archaeological study of the Statute of the organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) and is theoretically based on Discourse Analysis (AD). The corpus analyzed is the code of ethics and conduct of this parallel power that had its creation in Brazil in the 90s, in whi...

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Autor principal: Ponche, Sthefan Bravin
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2022
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/4116
This research presents an archaeological study of the Statute of the organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) and is theoretically based on Discourse Analysis (AD). The corpus analyzed is the code of ethics and conduct of this parallel power that had its creation in Brazil in the 90s, in which the dialogue with media texts (magazine covers and excerpts from newspapers with wide national circulation), judicial sentence , statutes, tattoos, cartoons, song lyrics and websites, became essential in the analysis of the object. The work originated in the restlessness of bringing answers to the following questions: where did the faction's activity in Brazil begin?; to which discourse genre does the code of ethics and conduct belong, whose circulation is increasingly socially capillarized, especially through digital media?; how does the materialization of power occur in the PCC subject's discourse?; does the statute have authorship? Therefore, supported by the theoretical-methodological apparatus of Michel Foucault's archeogenealogical period, the research turns to this intention in its hypothetical measurement. In the first chapter, the history of the PCC is alluded to with the purpose of adhering to the methodological operation that the philosopher undertook in the archaeological period and how this reverberated in the analysis of the object in the midst of the recensing of the discursive elements; furthermore, through Mikhail Bakhtin's teachings regarding the belonging of the discursive genre studied and how the media throughout history makes use of thematic regularity to demonstrate its importance in linguistic studies and in the (de)construction of the collective imagination. In the second chapter, the study gave proximity to Sociology, branch of Public Security, when it revealed how parallel power is a great motto for (inter)national financial capital through the media, especially print and electronic media; and even how the PCC uses the media to recruit followers outside prison walls. This without forgetting to present how the underground games of power arise – converging points of the genealogical phase – between the State and the parallel state in its most perpendicular form to those who believe in the media and in the efficiency of the State. In the third chapter, the scientific rigor in the applicability of the discursive elements in the corpus is valued, especially those anchored in the Fou-Caultian teachings, in the intra and interdiscursive relations and their essentialities in the analytical process, since the work brings the intercrossing between (New) History, Linguistics and Power Relations which are pillars of Discourse Analysis. Finally, it is believed that the investigation has proven that the PCC in its discourse, with the facilitation of the media and the intertwined power relations with the Brazilian State, offers(u) a very fertile ground for (future) ) analyzes of the Public Security theme. In addition, it assesses, in the results achieved, that the circulation of parallel power materialized in the Statute of the (heterogeneous subject) PCC meetsthe political and economic aspirations of the “states”, since they are the ones who form Brazilian governments.