The work presents the theoretical-practical research process, which sought to understand the
current role of Philosophy teaching in Brazilian basic education, institutionalized since June
2008. The investigation seeks to show the conservative character of the usual methodology,
predominantly based on texts, in which the student occupies the place of receiver of ideas,
without interactions with other media. The proposal for an experimental, creative, interactive
and more connected approach to the reality of young people occurs from the reflections made
by the Czech-Brazilian thinker Vilém Flusser (1920-1991), pioneer in philosophical studies
regarding information, communication and new media technologies, such as technical images.
These themes are extremely important nowadays, in which images are easily produced and
transmitted between technical devices, serving as a historical record or models for conduct and
truth. Faced with the new grammar, literate culture is in crisis due to the insufficiency of its
categories of analysis, which are incorporated by the new potentially global gears. The criticism
of technical images must be part of the current interests of Philosophy in its various forms of
distribution. The whole support of the dissertation is based on the conviction that it is possible
to appropriate the technical images to philosophize in contemporary society, widespread and
hyper-connected, due to the ambiguity of this new media little explored by Philosophy and its