
Análise temporal do uso e cobertura da terra e diversidade de aves como subsídios para a conservação da biodiversidade na Área de Proteção Ambiental do Lago de Palmas, Tocantins

The Cerrado, classified as a biodiversity hotspot. Human activities have been responsible for the degradation of ecosystems and the high rates of species extinction. Conservation units are considered as one of the best tools to maintain the integrity of ecosystems. However, UCs whose landscape is fr...

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Autor principal: Moreira, Renato Soares
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2017
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/463
The Cerrado, classified as a biodiversity hotspot. Human activities have been responsible for the degradation of ecosystems and the high rates of species extinction. Conservation units are considered as one of the best tools to maintain the integrity of ecosystems. However, UCs whose landscape is fragmented, has been less effective in biodiversity conservation. There are also doubts about the effectiveness of UCs sustainable use categories for biodiversity conservation. In this context, the APA, has the mission to combine the protection of natural resources with different anthropic use, which in General does not have reflected positively on the conservation. In this sense, the study aimed to assess whether the APA of the Lake of Palmas being effective in the protection of its ecosystems, and regional biodiversity using birds as bioindicator group. We analyzed satellite images of the area, evaluating the changes that have occurred in the landscape of the APA in two periods, 2000 and 2015, aiming to map and identify changes in native vegetation cover and land use, being obtained 4 maps. Since the creation of UC, is noticeable an expansion of farming and urban area, leading to a loss of 37.18% of the vegetation. The anthropic area increased 83.03%. The grassland and the cerrado sensu strict are the physiognomies that occupy the largest area in the APA, being also the most impacted by the loss of plant cover, which corresponded to 51.12% and 44.57% of your total area, respectively. 296 species of birds have been recorded at UC, being twelve endemic to the Cerrado and nine from Amazon. A total of 14 species are to some degree of threat. Endangered species were found in environments that have been suppressed, demonstrating the need to keep different components of the landscape in the APA. So it is essential to adopt a management plan and zoning that are coherent with the objectives of creation of this UC.