
Relatos De Experiências De Surdos Sobre Preconceito Linguístico

The purpose of this article is to collect reports of experiences of deaf people related to linguistic prejudice in the school environment, in the family environment and in the work environment. Linguistic prejudice is also present in the lives of the deaf in a very intense way. Unfortunately, thi...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Gleiciene Oliveira Da
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
Acesso em linha:
The purpose of this article is to collect reports of experiences of deaf people related to linguistic prejudice in the school environment, in the family environment and in the work environment. Linguistic prejudice is also present in the lives of the deaf in a very intense way. Unfortunately, this is part of the experience of many deaf people. We interviewed three deaf people who reported linguistic prejudice in the contact between deaf people and listeners, as well as in contact between deaf people. We emphasize that the teaching of pounds needs to contemplate the experiences of deaf people. Deaf experiences are rich and need to be shared.