
Função social da decisão judicial trabalhista na pós-modernidade

The paradigm of labor relations in which were built the bases of Labor Law arise from the fordist period of production system. However, the crisis of the 1970s induced the metamorphosis of the capitalism for its survival and directly affected the way of developing the relationship between the capita...

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Autor principal: Marques, Vinicius Pinheiro
Grau: Tese
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais 2017
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/508
The paradigm of labor relations in which were built the bases of Labor Law arise from the fordist period of production system. However, the crisis of the 1970s induced the metamorphosis of the capitalism for its survival and directly affected the way of developing the relationship between the capital and the labor. Faced with these new paradigms is that one can say that labor relations in postmodernity became heterogeneous, fragmented, complex, precarized and contradictory. The capital-labor relation is much more intense and quarrelsome in post-modernity and the legal structures of modernity in force today are at least unsubsistent for these new arrangements of labor relations. In western democracies, jurisdiction arises as the main form of conflict resolution and inevitably, conflicts between capital and labor will flow into the labor judiciary branch, which has, as one of its functions, the promotion of social justice. In face of this context, the central issue of the research lies in the question: In the current juridical ordainment, by conjugating the ideals of material and procedural labor law, is it possible to attribute a social function to the judicial labor decision? In that sense, it was established as a general objective to analyze the possible constitutive elements of a judicial decision that meets the perspectives of a social function. To achieve this desideratum, a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research was conducted to obtain data through an indirect documentary research. At the end, it was concluded that the sense of social function of labor court decision is verified by two aspects. The first, called internal efficiency (inter partseffect), where there will be assured the guarantee of dignified work, the protection of fundamental rights of personality and observance of the protective principle. The second, called external efficiency (extra partseffects), must meet the preservation of legal safety, the fencing of social setbacks and provide the combat to the precarization of labor relations.