A Universidade Federal do Tocantins e as políticas públicas de democratização do acesso e permanência de indígenas no ensino superior.

This thesis discusses public policies for indigenous people at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), questioning the achievements and advances of indigenous university students in Higher Education. We seek to identify how public policies aimed at indigenous people are implemented at the Fede...

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Autor principal: Abreu, Marta Virgínia de Araújo Batista
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/5505
This thesis discusses public policies for indigenous people at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), questioning the achievements and advances of indigenous university students in Higher Education. We seek to identify how public policies aimed at indigenous people are implemented at the Federal University of Tocantins, as well as the actions and projects that this university has developed to guarantee the rights of traditional peoples, with regard to Higher Education. We seek to know the historical process of elaborating public policies for indigenous people in Higher Education, which guaranteed achievements such as the right to a specific and differentiated education, including in universities. Consepe/UFT Resolution no 3A/2004, Consuni/UFT Resolution No. 14/2013, Consuni/UFT Resolution no 26/2017, the Management Reporto of 2020, the UFT Entrance Exam Notices of 2019.1 and 2019.2, the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) of UFT 2016-2020 and the Educational Information System Reports (SIE) no 16.11.14 and no 16.11.03. In our research, we used the qualitative-quantitative research methodological approach, using the documental research technique. For a better analysis of our study, we carried out a bibliographic survey, with theoretical references on indigenous higher education, public educational policies and affirmative actions. We present data on the academic situation of indigenous students to understand the results of student assistance programs and whether they have met the expectations and needs of these students. Data generation was performed using the SIE. This information allows for the analysis of the academic situation and contributes to the definition of goals and strategies to solve problems of failure and retention, factors that make it difficult to stay at the university. The information was analyzed from the perspective of Institutional Documents (Resolutions, Internal Regulations, Statutes) and Federal Legislation. These documents were fundamental in the search for data to support our study. Among the results, data analysis revealed that the university has joined efforts to ensure the successful permanence of indigenous people who enter this institution, offering student assistance programs. However, the indexes show that, like most students in general, some indigenous students have some difficulty in terms of academic performance and, therefore, it is urgent to implement actions that contribute to the fight against dropout and guarantee the successful stay until completion of the course.