Os modos de vida de um povo antes e depois da formação do Lago da Usina hidrelétrica de Estreito:

This dissertation presents the results of the interdisciplinary research that investigated the ways of life, memories, narratives, and resistance of the men and women of the Collective Urban Resettlement (RUC) impacted and invisibilized in the deterritorialization process in Babaçulândia (TO) dur...

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Autor principal: Soares, Leomaura Miranda de Andrade
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/5525
This dissertation presents the results of the interdisciplinary research that investigated the ways of life, memories, narratives, and resistance of the men and women of the Collective Urban Resettlement (RUC) impacted and invisibilized in the deterritorialization process in Babaçulândia (TO) during the formation of the lake of the Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) of Estreito. In this way, our investigation was focused on the reports of memories and practices of the residents of the flooded streets, men and women in need of re-signifying their histories; who reconstructed their ways of living, inside the resettlement, from the re-elaboration of their reminiscences with the purpose of resisting the onslaught of the large enterprises. The oral history, methodological path used in listening to the reports, supported by the technique of life stories, evoked feelings, recognitions and revealed evidence, kept under the memories of the experiences of the riverside population. Under the territorial view of the body, creator of relations and culture, we unravel the tangle of interpretations through the dialogue with the narrators. These, help in the discussion, analysis and problematization of the impacts and changes generated in the process of building new ways of life, without the proximity of the river, and new strategies to resist to maintain their identities in the new territory.