
A aplicabilidade da metodologia de justiça restaurativa nas delegacias de polícia no estado do Tocantins

Public security consists of a fundamental right that must be guaranteed to the citizen, being constitutionally foreseen, being a right and responsibility of all, in which one of its main bodies to ensure its achievement is the Civil Judicial Police, having its attribution area limited to the Stat...

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Autor principal: Silva Neto, Luis Gonzaga da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/5592
Public security consists of a fundamental right that must be guaranteed to the citizen, being constitutionally foreseen, being a right and responsibility of all, in which one of its main bodies to ensure its achievement is the Civil Judicial Police, having its attribution area limited to the States of the Federation. It happens that commonly and in a traditional way, the police acts in a repressive and combative way, seeking in the investigations probative elements that have the power to indicate the criminal authorship, resulting then in a judicial process and, as a desired consequence, the conviction of the criminal, materializing the reward system. Police action must be guided by the law, whose scope is to maintain public order, generally through preventive and repressive actions, seeking to protect the fundamental rights of citizens. However, with regard to criminal offenses, especially crimes of less potential, public criminal action conditioned to representation and private criminal action, the traditional retributive system proved to be inefficient in the task of pacifying conflicts, emerging as a path to be followed by the police the use of techniques and founding principles of Restorative Justice, demonstrating the need to change the police culture by overcoming traditional paradigms. Furthermore, access to justice in Brazil, for a long time, was associated with the notion of access to the Judiciary, it so happens that, according to constant reports from the National Council of Justice, there is an overcrowding of cases in the judicial branches, in which Justice ends up for making the citizen feel a sense of injustice, not to mention the obstacles faced by individuals in accessing justice in our country. In the State of Tocantins it is not different, being of fundamental importance the adoption of alternative methods of conflict resolution, such as mediation and conciliation, in the police area, the phase that precedes the judicial process. For this, the essential need to install the Special Criminal Nuclei - NECRIM's in the Civil Police of the State of Tocantins, where self-composition hearings will be held to be chaired by the Conciliator/Mediator Police Chief, in the case of a role that fits perfectly to the legal and functional attributions of the Chief of Police, since, according to Law nº 9,099/1995, even lay judges may coordinate mediation and conciliation hearings, let alone the Chief, being a member of a legal career regulated by Law nº 12,830/2013. Experiences in Brazil and around the world demonstrate that the adoption of restorative methods in conflict resolution used by police forces reinforces the argument defended in this research. The present dissertation demonstrates the social gains achieved with the use of the Restorative Justice methodology by the Civil Judiciary Police as a tool for the social pacification of conflicts. At this point, we will try to demonstrate the importance of implementing Special Criminal Nuclei in the Civil Police of Tocantins, with the Police Chief acting as a conciliator and conflict mediator, not in the case of usurpation of jurisdictional functions, but of acting within of legal dictates. It remained demonstrated that the use of mediation in NECRIM's provides a greater approximation and increase of trust between the population and the police, promoting access to justice, being a space for dialogue in the community. Furthermore, the use of this restorative philosophy by the police has as its scope the search for appropriate solutions to conflicts, social inclusion, autonomy and empowerment of the mediated parties, resulting in the reduction and prevention of violence, promoting the construction of a culture of peace. It was concluded that the use of Restorative Justice in the pre-procedural phase, through the NECRIM's, with the holding of mediation and conciliation hearings chaired by the Chief of Police, is a measure that is imposed in the State of Tocantins, which will bring significant gains to the people of Tocantins, who will now have a police force that is citizen and sensitive to social concerns, without losing the institutional focus of guaranteeing public order and protecting the personal safety and security of citizens.