
Viabilidade Econômica da Terminação de Ovinos em Pastagem Manejada Sob Lotação Rotativa no Norte do Tocantins.

The objective was to evaluate, through simulation, the economic feasibility of implementing a sheep termination system on pasture managed under rotational stocking in northern Tocantins. The project considered the termination of lambs in two systems, with 250 animals each. In the first (System...

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Autor principal: Feitosa, Tays Raniellen Miranda
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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The objective was to evaluate, through simulation, the economic feasibility of implementing a sheep termination system on pasture managed under rotational stocking in northern Tocantins. The project considered the termination of lambs in two systems, with 250 animals each. In the first (System 1) the animals entered with a live weight of 18 kg and out with 32 kg (average weight 25 kg), with average daily gain weight 0.080 kg during the period of 175 days. In the second (System 2), the input of the animals weight was 22 kg, 0.080 kg daily gain and the final weight of 32 kg live weight (mean weight 27 kg), during a cycle of 125 days. The analysis of the economic viability of sheep activity was to draw up a project to verify the economic viability of sheep activity where the following indicators were calculated: investments, revenues, operating costs, simple payback, net present value, relative cost benefit and internal rate return. The investment amount required for the implementation of sheep breeding in northern Tocantins was R$ 36,947.16. The annual output of the activity was 16,000 kg PV in both systems, thus achieved a total production value of R$ 88,000.00 per year in the two systems. The sum of the annually raised operating costs was R$ 80,416.09. It appears that the Simple Payback occurs between the fourth and fifth year of the project in the situation without funding. The cumulative cash flow in the situation with financing was positive in every year of the project analysis horizon. The values of Simple Payback indicators, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return and Cost Benefit ratio were favorable. In situations with and without financing a reduction of 5% in revenues activity makes these unviable indicators. Thus, the termination of grazing lambs managed under rotational stocking, in Northen Tocantins, proved economically viable, however, the activity, the way it was planned, is highly sensitive to changes in revenue, indicating that the activity is high risk.