
Investigações em ensino de ciências: um olhar para a abordagem freireana

Teaching Science ranges from traditional methodologies, focused on the repetition of concepts and without any connection with social problems, as well as other methodologies that contribute to a problematizing and investigative practice in the face of theoretical and practical problems of science f...

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Autor principal: Duarte, Leilane Sousa
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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Teaching Science ranges from traditional methodologies, focused on the repetition of concepts and without any connection with social problems, as well as other methodologies that contribute to a problematizing and investigative practice in the face of theoretical and practical problems of science for the training of subjects. This study aims to analyze the role of Teaching by Investigation, in the teaching practice of Science in its classroom context, verifying how Freire's approach to education can contribute to this teaching strategy in the area in question. The purpose of this research was based on the author's observations and experiences in initial training, in internship subjects, in the PIBID and Pedagogical Residency Programs on teaching practice in the Teaching of Science. Thus, the question that guides this research arises: Does Teaching by Investigation effectively contribute to teaching science in an investigative and problematizing way? What are the procedures that differentiate or complement the different methodological approaches for Teaching Science in Basic Education? In this sense, this study seeks to contribute to the educational practice of science teachers, in the context of the classroom, based on Freire's approach to education. The research is of a qualitative nature, based on a bibliographical review, in a descriptive and analytical way, whose sources were scientific articles found in the Google Scholar database, eight articles being chosen for analysis, in the period from 2017 to 2022. The result found, in general, demonstrates that both Science Teaching through Investigation and the Freirean approach contemplate the use of the problem in the classroom. However, both differ in terms of the theoretical concepts adopted, as well as the nature of the problem to be worked on in the classroom (SOLINO; GEHLEN, 2014). In this way, we understand that, however different they may be, these two proposals contribute to overcoming gaps in the teaching of Science. This research contributes to highlight the formation of subjects, highlighting the teacher and the student for the active participation of the pedagogical activities.