Contribuições das Narrativas Ancestrais Javaé para os Multiletramentos na Aldeia Boa Esperança, na perspectiva Bilíngue e Intercultural.

This paper is the result of a dialogue of about five years that we established with the Javaé indigenous people of Boa Esperança village, located on Bananal Island, Tocantins State, and its main objective is to identify the contributions of Javaé ancestral narratives to multiliteracies in Boa Esp...

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Autor principal: Matos, Solange Cavalcante de
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2024
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This paper is the result of a dialogue of about five years that we established with the Javaé indigenous people of Boa Esperança village, located on Bananal Island, Tocantins State, and its main objective is to identify the contributions of Javaé ancestral narratives to multiliteracies in Boa Esperança indigenous village, from a bilingual and intercultural perspective. Thefore, we sought in the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Interactional Sociolinguistics (Gumperz, 1982; Blom and Gumperz, 2002 [1972] and Goffman, 2002 [1979] and 2012) and Educational (Bortoni-Ricardo, 2004, 2005), of ethnography ( Erickson, 1988) and participatory action research (Thiollent, 1986) support for us to make the bilingual record of Javaé ancestral narratives and carry out transdisciplinary workshops on reading and producing verbal and non- verbal texts at the Watakuri Indigenous School based on the recorded narratives, in addition to carry out an ethnographic study about this people. The research aims to meet a demand from the researched community itself, which demonstrates the desire to keep alive the memory and the cultural and linguistic identity of its people, concerned with the offer of an indigenous school education that starts from the sociocultural reality experienced by the indigenous Javaé. Thus, the data were generated through direct interaction with the survey participants (elderly woman, indigenous and non-indigenous teachers, elementary and high school students and other members of the community), through participant observations, spontaneous conversations, audio recordings and videos and conducting pedagogical workshops.The text that we present as a result of this study is a dialogical construction between us and the Indigenous Javaé, which brings a brief ethnographic description of the historical, cosmological, sociocultural and linguistic aspects of this people; the record of ten Javaé bilingual ancestral narratives and one narrative only in Portuguese; and the description and analysis of the pedagogical workshops on reading and bilingual textual production carried out from the reading of the registered narratives. The analyses, based mainly on Paiva (2013); Neves (2015); Marcuschi (2008 and 2010); Rojo (2009); Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2011); Bortoni- Ricardo (2005); Blom and Gumperz, 2002 [1972]; Goffman, 2002 [1979] and Brasil (2017) reveal that Javaé ancestral narratives can be classified as a textual genre that fulfills the specific social function of maintaining the sociocultural, historical and cosmological memory of the Javaé people and working with them in a classroom, is a way of keeping the culture and language of these people alive, as well as contributing to the multiliteracy of indigenous students. With this research, we hope to contribute positively to indigenous linguistic, cultural and educational studies, especially for the Javaé community of Boa Esperança village, as we seek to collaborate in the construction of activities that meet the precepts of Brazilian indigenous school education, as well as this people.