
Organização e estruturação da associação patense de reciclagem visando à coleta seletiva do município de Patos de Minas – MG (Estudo de caso)

The National Solid Waste - PNRS was established in 2010 by Law 12.305 of 2010, which has as one of the instruments, requiring the preparation and implementation of selective collection in municipalities from August 2014 through goals selective collection and recycling. One of the alternatives is enc...

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Autor principal: Souza, Tiago Santos e
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2015
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/67
The National Solid Waste - PNRS was established in 2010 by Law 12.305 of 2010, which has as one of the instruments, requiring the preparation and implementation of selective collection in municipalities from August 2014 through goals selective collection and recycling. One of the alternatives is encouraged by PNRS selective collection with the participation of cooperatives and associations of recyclable materials, mainly due to the benefits of social inclusion with the use of specialized human resource, mostly empirically, in the area of solid waste. This work is scoped to organize and structure the Patense Recycling Association - Trim seeking the inclusion of the association in the implementation of selective collection in the city of Patos de Minas process - MG. A diagnosis was made analyzing sustainability indicators which have provided useful information for understanding the situation and subsequent preparation of an action plan aimed at structure and organization of Patense Recycling Association. The indicators were analyzed: Regularization (i); Partnerships (ii); Number of members and turnover (iii); Training of members (iv); Monthly income per member (v); Amount of materials sold (vi); Participation of members (vii); Installation condition (viii); Equipment and vehicles (ix); Working hours / days / per member (x); Benefits to members (xi); Use of Individual Protection Equipment (xii). These indicators were defined based on the methodology Besen (2011) where important sustainability indicators were defined for associations of collectors. After prepared the Action Plan, it was verified the results of actions between the months of 2013 and 2014 through the analysis of three performance indices: number of members, financial (monthly revenues per member) and amount of materials sold. Since studies have shown that the most important to the structure and organization of the association variables was the financial factor, which allowed changes in other indicators, beyond window partnerships, which demonstrated benefit as the bag recycling. Despite the cool weather and government incentives for hiring associations of collectors , it was found that the city still considers the association as a social inclusion program , not collaborating effectively , hindering best performances in the selective collection of the municipality .