Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Livro-reportagem “povos de terreiro”: narrativas sobre a intolerância religiosa no Amapá

Yard people: tellings and memories of the African root in Amapá is a journalistic and literary experimental Project about Afro-Brazilian religions in Macapá, the state capital. In the communication field, through a large report, are narrated stories of Candomble, Mina drum and Umbanda people who hav...

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Autor principal: SANTOS, Aline Paiva dos
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Amapá 2022
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Yard people: tellings and memories of the African root in Amapá is a journalistic and literary experimental Project about Afro-Brazilian religions in Macapá, the state capital. In the communication field, through a large report, are narrated stories of Candomble, Mina drum and Umbanda people who have already suffered religious prejudice. In order to make up this work was made a bibliographical research that shows the concepts about the main themes addressed: media communication, speech, religious intolerance and religion. The product was result of ethnographical research using the semi-structured interview tecnique with Afro-religious characters, anthropologists and African culture researchers. The book brings the yard communities memories to light, documenting this religious culture in Amapá Amazon.