Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Preservação da memória e identidade da arquitetura: proposta de revitalização da escola Barão do Rio Branco

The present work deals with questions related to the remodeling of buildings that are considered Historic Architectural Heritage. For this, it is used as a case study. The Barão do Rio Branco State School is one of the outstanding examples of the Neocolonial style, located in the historic center of...

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Autor principal: PACHECO, Olgaci Barbosa
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Amapá 2022
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The present work deals with questions related to the remodeling of buildings that are considered Historic Architectural Heritage. For this, it is used as a case study. The Barão do Rio Branco State School is one of the outstanding examples of the Neocolonial style, located in the historic center of Macapá / AP. The analysis of the current precepts of revitalization and its application in intervention projects in buildings of interest must succeed to a deep historical and architectural research on these, being fundamental point for an effective and responsible beginning of the process of preservation of testimony of the past. Some basic themes, such as the concept of preservation, memory and identity of historical heritage, restoration, revitalization, and an examination of the architecture of the city of Macapá, old "Bacabas", were approached in order to delimit the field of the present analysis . The assembly of the necessary stages for the elaboration of the Inventory for Restoration of Buildings of Patrimonial Value is guided by already existing publications and is based on the work of systematization of the steps prescribed by these and the updating of the methods of construction of the desired knowledge. Each stage of this process has unique importance and is essential to the construction of the dossier. The methodological procedures adopted follow the IBA (Inventory of Architectural Assets), a manual elaborated by the IPHAN (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage), which provides for the Patrimonial Letters on the restoration of historical assets and specifically on architectural survey . The objective of this study is to collect data on the construction of the Barão do Rio Branco State School considering the following aspects: architecture, materials used and human comfort of the building. The purpose of this work is to propose to the space the permanence of the original Architectural Project and to change, if necessary, to contribute to the well-being of its users.