
Leitura e produção de textos: a contribuição da OLP para o ensino de língua portuguesa por meio do gênero poema no 6º ano do ensino fundamental

This work has the objective of describing the application of the Portuguese Language Olympics proposal and avaluate its contrubitions to the teaching of textual genres, more specifically the poem, for six grade students. The proposal application took place in a public school in Santarém – Pará state...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Selmir Sousa da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará 2021
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufopa.edu.br/jspui/handle/123456789/442
This work has the objective of describing the application of the Portuguese Language Olympics proposal and avaluate its contrubitions to the teaching of textual genres, more specifically the poem, for six grade students. The proposal application took place in a public school in Santarém – Pará state during the months of August and September 2016. In a reflexive way the teacher reports the ethnographic based study based on specialists both in oral and written languages. The study searches to answer the following question: Is it possible to teach the poetic process? And which aspects can be taught? Therefore, the study sought to evaluate the effectiness of the Portuguese Language Olympics for the teaching of poem for six graders basesd on the theoretical assumptions of social interacionism of language. The practical activities were composed of fifteen workshops, previously stablished by the Portuguese Language Olympics. The theoretical discussion follows the principles defended specially by Bakhtin, and the significant contrubutions of language and literature researchers such as Britto, Antunes, Cosson, Dolz, Schneuwly, Ferrazi Jr. and Carvalho, Freire, Gebara, Geraldi, Kleiman, Marcuschi, Moura. The results suggest an expansion in knowledge of the students and teachers on their place of origin and tradition. This demonstrates that language studies, more especifically reading and writing, when developed taking into account the students immediate context, tend to show better results. The Olympics defend that the students place of origin must be understood and not only decribed. This change in perspective, helps them become subjet of the process and as a consequence a reduction in illiteracy rates through teaching reading in a meanful way. Therefore, Portuguese Language Olympics contributes significantly for the expansion of knowledge and discursive competence of students and teachers both orally and in the written form.