
Diretrizes para a criação de um arranjo produtivo local de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos em Marapanim-PA

In 2006, Brazil started its national policy of medicinal plants and phytomedicines, which includes 17 guidelines to rule actions in different segments of the phytotherapy. In 2008, to implement this policy a program was organized, which links four of these guidelines to specific actions in phytother...

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Autor principal: PINHEIRO, Ailton Castro
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/10269
In 2006, Brazil started its national policy of medicinal plants and phytomedicines, which includes 17 guidelines to rule actions in different segments of the phytotherapy. In 2008, to implement this policy a program was organized, which links four of these guidelines to specific actions in phytotherapy, based on traditional and popular knowledge and familiar agriculture, to determine that the Ministries involved develop actions in an integrated way, in order to enable production, and marketing, by the community itself. In 2012, the Health Ministry (HS) begun financing the pharmaceutical assistance with medicinal plants and phytomedicines, being the Local Productive Arrangement (LPA) one of the available instruments. In Amazonian State Pará, from 2012 to 2017, only four municipalities applied, and have approved, such projects by the Ministry of Health. The Municipality of Marapanim (PA) has a great ethnopharmaceutical potential, with emphasis on the work of a group of women, who practice the popular phytotherapy for more than 20 years, based on the knowledge of their ancestors. They produce handcrafted remedies combining popular knowledge with technical knowledge, in partnership with the Laboratory of Ethnopharmacy of the Nucleus of Environment of the Federal University of Pará (LAEF/ NUMA/UFPA). In this context, the aim of this work is to elaborate, and propose, guidelines to build a Local Productive Arrangement in Marapanim that can allow the insertion of phytomedicines used in folk phytotherapy in the institutional market, after a technical adequation, and thereby contributing to the territorial and endogenous development of the municipality. In order to reach this objective, a bibliographic survey was carried out based on dissertations written by members of the LAEF/NUMA/UFPA, whose set compose an important diagnosis of the reality of local herbal phytotherapy. This bibliographic survey was complemented by a documentary research in the Transparency Portal of the municipality; interviews with the Marapanim healers and participation in LAEF/NUMA/UFPA actions in favor of the valorization of local phytotherapy; study about some APL experiences, financed by MS and the analysis of the technical regulation and as well of the financial suport destined to phytotherapy. The analysis of these data was performed using the theoretical framework of territorial and endogenous development, of the National Policy and National Program of Medicinal Plants and Phytomedicine, and of the traditional and popular knowledge. As a result, this work proposes eleven guidelines for building an APL involving: initial articulation for the construction of an APL project; articulation along the implementation of the APL, training; sowing of medicinal plants, production of phytomedicine; public -private partnership for marketing in the institutional market; marketing in the private market; dispensing in the SUS; planning and budget execution of fund-to-fund resource; institutionalization of a municipal phytotherapy program, and proposal of a flow chart for APL governance. The following products were also generated: a project model to obtain resource from MS for financing an APL and a new redaction of the administrative regulation of MS nº 1,555 / 2013.