
Análise cladística de Edessa (Hypoxys) com a descrição de um grupo novo de espécies (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae)

Genus Edessa has many problems of taxonomy and nomenclature, but to make the revision of the genus in only one study becomes impracticable due to the large number of species (<600 species), so it was proposed to review small groups of species. The subgenus Hypoxys is a monophyletic group according t...

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Autor principal: MENDONÇA, Maria Thayane da Silva
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/10949
Genus Edessa has many problems of taxonomy and nomenclature, but to make the revision of the genus in only one study becomes impracticable due to the large number of species (<600 species), so it was proposed to review small groups of species. The subgenus Hypoxys is a monophyletic group according to the single phylogenetic analysis, supported by four synapomorphies. This subgenus of Edessa has 17 described species and more than 40 new species for science, according to an unpublished revision. Thus, this work aims to propose a group of species within Hypoxys, to describe 15 new species, and to make an identification key for them, as well as to run a cladistic analysis to Hypoxys. Thereby, we intend to test the monophyly of Hypoxys and relationship among species with the inclusion of more species and new characters. Thirty-five specimens from national and foreign institutions and private collections were analyzed. These specimens were described, measured and photographed. For the cladistic analysis, a data matrix with 35 taxa and 39 characters was made using Mesquite software, the matrix was calculated in TNT and the cladogram was edited using WinClada. The maximum parsimony was used to run the cladistic analysis. To reduce the final number of trees implicit weighing (k = 2 to k = 6) was used. To verify the values of clade support, the relative bremer support and the symmetric resampling method were calculated. The analysis without implicit weighing resulted in 73 trees with 78 steps, consistency index 57 and retention index 89. The analysis with implicit weighing (k = 2 to k = 6) resulted in 37 trees with 76 steps, consistency index 59 and retention index 90. Tree topology was similar using or not implicit weighing. All resulting trees from relative bremer and symmetric resampling showed high branch support for Hypoxys and the target group. The results corroborate Hypoxys as monophyletic, being formed by three large groups, which share seven synapomorphies and three homoplasic synapomorphies: ventral coloration of the humeral angles of color; scutellum with dark spot in the anterior third present; apex of the dorsal rim fused to the margin of the posterolateral angles; excavation in rounded metapleuron; no roughness of the textured surface of the evaporatorium; presence of the dorsal rim with a thickness variation from the center to the posterolateral angles; format of the straight paramere; presence of a flap in the ventral region of the proctiger; presence of a "carpet of hairs" on the ventral rim; expansion of the ventral rim of the tumid. In addition, the target group has other additional diagnostic features, they are: the posterior region of the hyaline pronotum, brown, extending to the posterior margin of the pronotum; conexivum without stains; two pairs of circular, dark spots on the ventral part of the thoracic surrounded by a greenish ring; ventral region evenly green with a central yellowish color in the abdomen; dark and circular spots next to the pseudosutures; posterior margin of the gonocoxite 8 projected later. The result of the analysis showed the clade Hypoxys as monophyletic, as well as the target group of this work composed by 15 new species.