
Saberes tradicionais como patrimônio imaterial na Amazônia intercultural; saberes, fazeres, táticas e resistência dos ceramistas de Icoaraci

This study is part of the traditional knowledge of the ceramists of Icoaraci-Belém-Pará, with the goal of clarifying the dynamics of ceramics production, the interaction of men and women, old and young with his abilities, dedication, creativity, strength and tactics, as well as, interrelation with c...

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Autor principal: TAVARES, Auda Edileusa Piani
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/10974
This study is part of the traditional knowledge of the ceramists of Icoaraci-Belém-Pará, with the goal of clarifying the dynamics of ceramics production, the interaction of men and women, old and young with his abilities, dedication, creativity, strength and tactics, as well as, interrelation with circumscribed policies to traditional knowledge and crafts. The methodological path disclosure sought that practices are silenced in exclusionary order process accelerated modernizador of capitalist society. This movement was analysed by applying a methodological theoretical approach that works with memories and narratives about the daily life, Envisioning the possibility of (re) writing stories and contemplate visions omitted. The result makes processes of change, creation and reinvention of tradition, the lack of range of public policies, as well as interventions that overlook their own dynamic, demonstrating that the Group designated treatment to cultural diversity in sustainability perspective must consider traditional knowledge, as well as traditions that if reinventam in need of living and a desire to create and recreate, assuming the subject carriers of such knowledgeeither in pottery in Icoaraci or other influence, whether in urban or rural communities, living very different realities have positioned itself on today and what they consider important to you