
O Sofrimento negado: trabalho, saúde/doença, prazer e sofrimento dos trabalhadores do alumínio do Pará - Brasil

The aluminum industry in Brazilian Amazon comes from, among many factors, the State’s strategies, specially from militaries governments, to improve the development in this region. The mineral- metallurgic projects that have taken place in the north of the country were based on the modernization i...

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Autor principal: NOGUEIRA, Laura Soares Martins
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11122
The aluminum industry in Brazilian Amazon comes from, among many factors, the State’s strategies, specially from militaries governments, to improve the development in this region. The mineral- metallurgic projects that have taken place in the north of the country were based on the modernization ideas for economic development for one region identified on the developmentistic discourse as “poor and historically forgotten”. Along more than twenty-five years, the aluminum industry in the state of Pará faced many changes, between these changes we distinguish the process of productive restructuration of work, that, by one side brought technological development and increase on the production, but on the other side, made decrease the opportunities of work, intensifying the “tercerization” in this area, making change the conditions and the relations of work. Based on denunciations connected with healthy problems with workers in aluminum industries in the region, made from ONG’s and workers’ associations, this study asks: how is developed the security- healthy of the workers on the productive restructuration on the aluminum production in the state of Pará and which impacts it has on subjectivity of the workers. Based on the theorical discussion of the Psychodynamics of work, the present study developed an qualitative research and interviewed 44 workers, their parents, worker’s delegates, technologists and administrations of one industry that produce primary aluminum. We realized also the documental analysis of many texts as: medical reports, worker’s CAT’s, as so many documents elaborated by this industry that gave elements to produce the stage of this research. To elaborate the analysis of the data research we utilize the qualitative analysis in studies about healthy by Minayo (2004), based on Dialectics-Hermeneutics. We observed the suffering of the workers with diseases or victim of accidents that lead us to interrupted lives, to abandoned and useless feelings, associated to organization of work and to the way how the administration of security and worker’s healthy are organized. In the process of productive restructuration of work, the Occupational Health paradigm to think about the relationship between health-disease and work, keeping the concept of “insecure act”, adds to blame the worker for his own accident or disease, incorporating to the discourse of the administration for the quality when they increase the value of the worker’s implications and engagement, emphasizing the individualistic and utilitarian perspective how is faced the workmanship in the time of flexible work. Seeking this point of view, worker’s security and healthy depends on the consciousness and the engagement of the worker with this subject, excluding the possibilities of analysis that consider the connection between the conditions and the organization of work and the risks of accidents so as the development of diseases by the workers. The suffering caused by the relation of the worker with the organization of work which make him to develop diseases is denied by the enterprises, by the healthy professionals and by the State and it is showed by the defense mechanisms utilized by the workers. Following the Workplace Psychodynamics analysis, to listen the workers, recognizing their suffering, can be the first step in the construction of changes in the field of work, capable to improve the search for healthy. The present study has the proposition to help to construct this way.