
A figuração da mulher em Dalcídio Jurandir: entre o desamparo, a opressão e a transgressão

Dalcídio Jurandir (1909-1979), Brazilian writer, published eleven novels, ten of which make it part of the called Ciclo do Extremo Norte: Chove nos campos de Cachoeira (1941), Marajó (1947), Três casas e um rio (1958), Belém do Grão Pará (1960), Passagem dos Inocentes (1963), Primeira manhã (1967),...

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Autor principal: SANTOS, Alinnie Oliveira Andrade
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11199
Dalcídio Jurandir (1909-1979), Brazilian writer, published eleven novels, ten of which make it part of the called Ciclo do Extremo Norte: Chove nos campos de Cachoeira (1941), Marajó (1947), Três casas e um rio (1958), Belém do Grão Pará (1960), Passagem dos Inocentes (1963), Primeira manhã (1967), Ponte do Galo (1971), Os Habitantes (1976), Chão dos Lobos (1976) and Ribanceira (1978) that thematize about man and the Amazon region customs. Even though in these novels men occupy the position of protagonists, it impresses the great number of female characters that collaborate for the development of the narratives, contributing in a hard way to the construction of the plots and the dramas present in the work. This thesis, therefore, it aims to analyze the female characters of the called Cycle, grouping them according to the social situation in which they are. Futhermore, we create the following categories of analysis: helplessness, oppression and transgression, which are not mutually exclusive, but we argue in this work that the characters pass between these three categories. For that, we used as reference the works of BRAIT (2006), ROSENFELD (2011), CANDIDO (2011), WOOD (2011), REIS (2015) to reflect on the fictional character; CASTELO BRANCO and BRANDÃO (1989), BRANDÃO (2006), ZOLIN (2009) and ZINANI (2013), thinking about the relation between woman and literature and the studies of RAGO (2011), SAFFIOTI (2013), ALAMBERT (2004), LENIN (1979), BEAUVOIR (2009), which enabled us to understand the issues of women as well as gender relations. From the sixteen women characters analyzed, six, predominantly, are in the category of helplessness, of which they stand out: Orminda, D. Inacia and Lucíola; three are in oppression, and Felicia and seven of them are in the transgression, of which stand out: Alaíde, D. Amélia and Isaura.Investigating, therefore, the female character of the novels produced by Dalcídio Jurandir, which have a strong social denunciation aspect, helps us to care for Brazilian society at the beginning of the last century, as well as how this society was portrayed in Brazilian literature.