
Avaliação psicopedagógica de crianças em acolhimento institucional

One of the great challenges of contemporary society is to address the issues surrounding the care of children and adolescents in institutions and the possible consequences of that period in their development. Current studies seek to look at the host institution as developmental context from the p...

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Autor principal: PINHEIRO, Marcilene Alves
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11295
One of the great challenges of contemporary society is to address the issues surrounding the care of children and adolescents in institutions and the possible consequences of that period in their development. Current studies seek to look at the host institution as developmental context from the perspective Bioecological Human Development, in which not only focuses on the context, but the interactions that the developing person keeps to him. This study aimed to verify the applicability of the software Desenvolve ® on cognitive assessment of children aged five to seven years on condition of institutional care, discussing the possibility of environmental arrangements and materials that will promote a healthy development. The participants were 16 children, aged from five to seven years, welcomed a Belém’s public host institution. To gather sociodemographic data sheet used the Ficha de Caracterização da Criança, that is a form consists of 94 items divided into five categories: identification of the child, family structure, history of institutionalization, sociojurídica current situation and child health, which were extracted the variables age, sex, education, reason for the host, length of stay in residential care, and educational evaluation. The cognitive assessment was performed by software Desenvolve ® that trough 127 screen measures the performance on 19 cognitive skills, which were analyzed in two categories: percentage of hits and misses¸ and percentage yield in each cognitive skill. The results reveal that the universe of participants is composed mostly of boys (75%), aged five years, family neglect the main reason for the reception. It is noteworthy also that 50% of participants go through their first experience of institutional care, while others face their second and third experiments on schooling has been that all children have started their school activities and / or develop in host institution’s Room Service Educational, however, there is a grace period for the medical records of educational evaluation. In cognitive assessment, for the category of percentage of hits and misses, has hit percentage greater than the errors for all children aged seven years, since the category of percentage of income in each cognitive skill stand out as cognitive skills of low income: perception of letters and numbers, perception timeline, naming numbers, sense of time, sense and perception of numerical sequence sequence. From these results, we propose a plan of environmental strategies and materials to promote healthy development, consisting of 12 strategies that encompass both activities aimed at (re) organization of the physical environment and the teachers of the institution, and to direct stimulation cognitive skills of lower income. Through the indicators of this study can observe the applicability software Desenvolve® for the assessment of children in situations of institutional care and the importance of this kind of mapping for the development and implementation of strategies that will promote and ratify the host institution as context promoter of healthy development.