
Caracterização hidrodinâmica do Furo da Laura (Rio Guajará-mirim), Amazônia Oriental

Preserve our coastal and estuarine environments are of great importance to local and regional development, as these environments are located most cities and serve as a cradle for several specimens, despite these environments gather information and know their characteristic and seasonal patterns are...

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Autor principal: FERNANDES, Aldo Rafael Pascoal
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11542
Preserve our coastal and estuarine environments are of great importance to local and regional development, as these environments are located most cities and serve as a cradle for several specimens, despite these environments gather information and know their characteristic and seasonal patterns are important aspects. In this context, Laura hole (Rio Guajará-Mirim), transitional estuarine environment and important role in the economic and social framework for coastal communities, cities and surroundings, serves as one of the main routes of fishing inputs to the state. The Hole Laura is a water body adjacent to Marajó Bay, has two connections to the same and is under their direct influence, is located at coordinates UTM 22M, 796169-830035 W and S 9880864-9916228 through it were held three oceanographic, dry season (October 2013), the rainy season (February 2014) and dry (August 2014), this important stream with use of equipment for measurement of geophysical parameters in the region bathymetry, hydrodynamic, tide variation and salinity. There was in possession of these parameters the hydrodynamic behavior, classification and tidal range, phase difference between ebb and flood, salinity trend in the stream in response to the Marajó Bay, besides the identification of morphological features characteristics and seasonal analysis these changes in the collection of sections 1 and 2 pre-established, as well as mapping and preparation of a bathymetric map of the study area.