
“A educação para ser boa deve ser religiosa”: romanização e civilização no projeto educativo do Bispo Dom Antônio de Macedo Costa para a Amazônia (1861 - 1890)

The research object from this thesis is the project of education of the bishop D. Antônio Macedo Costa, who acted in Pará in the period of transition from the Imperial Brazil to the Republica. The main goal of these studies is to analyze, having as a basis the historical and intellectual culture,...

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Autor principal: COSTA, Benedito Gonçalves
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11612
The research object from this thesis is the project of education of the bishop D. Antônio Macedo Costa, who acted in Pará in the period of transition from the Imperial Brazil to the Republica. The main goal of these studies is to analyze, having as a basis the historical and intellectual culture, contented in this referred project of education. The problem which guided our investigation, can be summarized in a simple question: which project of education had the bishop D. Antônio Macedo Costa to modernize the Amazon Region? Theorically it is a thesis based in the historical field, registered in the command of the history of Education as well. Metohodogically we worked with a great variety of sources which includes: texts or the own bishop, tests from newspapers, reporters of the presisents from Pará and Amazônia provinces, iconographies between others. I has been developed, basically into five great main points: 1) Bishop's biography; 2) Bishp's positioning up against to social and historical condition in the Amazon Region; 3) the political and ideologic fights which bishop had against social groups to defend his project of education; 4) Theiritical basis in the bishop's project of education; 5) The actions he made and the institutions he created in the scope of education. the results confirm the initial hypothesis that bishop though and developed a project of education for tha Amazon Region in the XIX century, founded over catholic romanized reform processing in the briest of the catholic church since the Trent Council, instituted by Pope Pio IX. But it also demonstrates that such that this project tok part of a political strategy wider from bishop of keeping under catholic church control, bodies and minds to the Amazon residents. For that, it has been necessary to see again his strategy and to associate the basis of Jesuit Pedagogy, which had as a basis the Romanic Pedagogy. In ainterlate builtfrom a solid religious formation and to the confrontation to a reality which scaped at his hands, mobilized by the ideas of modern pedagogy. The bishop D. Antônio Macedo Costa"s attitude marked the history of education in the north of Brazil.