
Variação sazonal do carbono e um ecossistema de manguezal na Amazônia Oriental: florística, clima e economia

This interdisciplinary research aims at investigating the seasonal and economic dimensions of the mangrove forest, in relation to the capture, storage and carbon emissions, from spatial variation of floristic, physical-chemical, biological and climatic variables for the period of 2016 and 2017 in th...

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Autor principal: RODRÍGUEZ, Nelson Antonio Castellón
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11697
This interdisciplinary research aims at investigating the seasonal and economic dimensions of the mangrove forest, in relation to the capture, storage and carbon emissions, from spatial variation of floristic, physical-chemical, biological and climatic variables for the period of 2016 and 2017 in the Eastern Amazon. The study area is located at the Experimental Site of UFRA / UFPA in the village of Cuiarana, Salinópolis-PA. The floristic inventory method consisted of transects and plots, with DBH measures ≥ 2.5cm, monthly precipitation data generated by the CMORPH technique and the tide of the Salinopólis Fundeadouro. The stock of organic carbon, CO2 emissions and physico-chemical and biological variables were measured through seasonal sampling in nine 20x20m plots in three mangrove strata. Socioeconomic data are based on the combination of carbon dioxide fluxes measured by a micrometereological tower installed in the study area and interviews with residents of Cuiarana Village. Spatially, the main results show that for the three mangrove strata the dominance of Rhizophora mangle (L) was observed, with the highest values of phytosociological indices. The species Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn presented a higher positive correlation (0.72) with organic carbon during the rainy season. The largest stocks and emissions of organic carbon in the soil occurred in the adult mangrove in the rainy season when compared to the young / dwarf and intermediate strata. In the socioeconomic context, the villagers identified nine mangrove properties of which the main ones are the consumption and the sale of the crab in the less rainy season. However, services for carbon capture and storage in the soil presented higher income in the rainy season. The incomes estimated by mangrove goods and services were R $ 92,660.50 per hectare per year.