
Dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores para realizar atividades de educação ambiental em espaços não formais

This study aims to identify the main diffculties in performing activities identied in non formal about environmental issues, the teachers of the school city Moju. Data collection took place with visits and interviews with coordinators of non-formal settings: Park Radini present in the municipali...

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Autor principal: XAVIER, Diana Antonia Louzada
Outros Autores: LUZ, Priscyla Cristinny Santiago da
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2020
Acesso em linha:
This study aims to identify the main diffculties in performing activities identied in non formal about environmental issues, the teachers of the school city Moju. Data collection took place with visits and interviews with coordinators of non-formal settings: Park Radini present in the municipality of Abaetetuba-PA and Unity Screening and Recycling present in the municipality of Moju-PA. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with teachers working at the school from 5th to 8th grade Schools Antônio de Oliveira Gordo, Oton Gomes de Lima, Aunt Erica and Lauro Sodré present in the municipality of Moju-PA. Analyses were organized and discussed according to Discourse Analysis Orlandi (2001). According to the results, it was identi ed as major di" culties pointed out by the teacher’s lack of time, lack of transportation, bureaucracy, lack of inclusion in the curriculum, nancial di" culties that prevent the use of non-formal settings for running classes additional information regarding the issues concerning environmental education.