
Experiências e formação inicial e continuada de professores que ensinam matemática: elaboração de recursos didáticos de números decimais para alunos surdos

Inclusive education for deaf students in our country has been a challenge, even though there are laws and decrees that ensure this right. In Mathematics Education, the teaching and learning process encounters barriers, both by the legal means and by communication, since the mathematical language, ex...

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Autor principal: VALENTE, Isabel Lopes
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2021
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/13283
Inclusive education for deaf students in our country has been a challenge, even though there are laws and decrees that ensure this right. In Mathematics Education, the teaching and learning process encounters barriers, both by the legal means and by communication, since the mathematical language, expressed in Portuguese, already ensures a certain degree of difficulty in understanding. In view of this, we aim, in this work, to investigate the potentialities of the development of didactic resources to be used in the teaching and learning process of decimal numbers in additive operations aimed at deaf students. As for the theoretical framework, Balbino, Campos and Chaquiam (2015), Ifrah (1994), Mantoan (2000), Paixão (2010), Sales (2013), Schön (1992), Skliar (1998, 2001) contributed summarily to this research , Silva, Sá e Silva (2015), Vygotsky (1984), among other authors and researches that we use in the process of theoretical appropriation and historical construction of Mathematics Education. The research is considered qualitative, as according to Bogdan and Birklen (2012), this type of research is more concerned with the process than with the product of the results obtained. The survey participants were a total of 57 teachers, being 43 trained and 14 in training. An action-research was used, with three workshops as scenarios, within the scope of initial and continuing training, namely: workshop 1 - took place in the municipality of Abaetetuba in the Libras discipline of the Licentiate Degree in Mathematics by the National Training Plan with the participation of 23 undergraduate students - PARFOR, workshop 2 - was held with 14 students of the seventh semester of the Integrated Licensing, in the city of Belém, at the Inclusion Laboratory and workshop 3 - was held at the Tiradentes I State Elementary and High School, during the period of Teachers' Pedagogical Week, involving 20 educators from all disciplines that have students with deafness in their classes, in the city of Belém, in the Inclusion Laboratory and workshop 3 – was held at the Tiradentes I State Elementary and High School, during the teachers' pedagogical week, involving 20 educators from all disciplines that have deaf students in their classes, in the city of Belém. The collection of empirical material took place through audio-recordings, followed by transcriptions, interviews with teachers and video of the moments of the workshop for the construction of teaching resources. We had as an analysis tool, the Textual Discursive Analysis by Moraes and Galiazzi (2013). In this perspective, we have the descriptive analyzes of the workshop participants as well as the research questionnaire. The results obtained are associated with the teacher's awareness of the need to reflect on their teaching practice towards inclusion, promoting the construction of didactic resources suitable for the teaching of mathematics to deaf students and the availability of a propositional product in the reflection and awareness of building a methodological adequacy of the participants about the mediation of teaching decimal numbers to be used by teachers in teaching deaf students.