
Virtualização da paisagem de bacias hidrográficas da zona de expansão urbana do município de Belém-PA por meio de cartografias temáticas digitais

The municipality of Belém (PA), located in the northeast region of the State of Pará, is characterized by having a geographical position close to the Atlantic Ocean, flat relief, low altitudes and typical climate of the Amazon (hot and rainy) where high rainfall prevails. (2,600 to 3,300 mm/year), c...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, Ricardo Alexandre Fialho de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/14898
The municipality of Belém (PA), located in the northeast region of the State of Pará, is characterized by having a geographical position close to the Atlantic Ocean, flat relief, low altitudes and typical climate of the Amazon (hot and rainy) where high rainfall prevails. (2,600 to 3,300 mm/year), conditioning the formation of the landscape. And this landscape is carved in rocks of the Barreiras formation and in Post-Barreiras sediments, being conditioned to neotectonic transcurrent processes, evidenced by two large groups of faults on the macroscopic scale, which cut the Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. One beam is presented with direction N05E and N60E, the other beam with direction N45-55W. These faults produce “micro-reliefs”, topics of Amazonian cities, which are often imperceptible, are important when interacting with hydrological, neotectonic and territorial occupation and space management processes. The association and/or interaction of these factors, or some of them, are the main responsible for several problems observed in Belém, regarding the use and occupation of the physical environment in the Urban Expansion Zones (ZEU) of the municipality of Belém. In this work, the landscape structure and its spatial pattern are virtualized in the Paracuri, Curuperé and Tamanduá river basins, located in urban expansion areas of the municipality of Belém, through digital thematic cartographies derived from Numerical Land Models (MNT). ). The generation of such cartographies made it possible to extract information associated with physiographic aspects and processes (natural and artificial) responsible for surface modeling in hydrographic basins. Because the three-dimensional representation of space, using geoprocessing techniques, acquires fundamental importance, when associated with applications aimed at the use and occupation of the physical environment in urban spaces of large cities, constituting valuable information for future works involving environmental aspects. , geotechnical and planning of use and occupation of the physical environment in hydrographic basins. And the integrated use of MNT's with other types of data, expanded the knowledge about the reality of the landscape, allowing to visualize the phenomena resulting from natural and anthropic interventions on the urban space, and to submit such models to evaluation.