
Comercialização como fator de mudança nas práticas de produtores de leite do município de Paragominas

The dairy farming dynamics developed in the agrarian frontier in Eastern Amazon, especially the municipality of Paragominas, northeastern region of Pará state, it’s characterized by strong transformations of the natural environment as the sale of land-use rights, the establishment of pastures and...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Rozangela Sousa da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/15267
The dairy farming dynamics developed in the agrarian frontier in Eastern Amazon, especially the municipality of Paragominas, northeastern region of Pará state, it’s characterized by strong transformations of the natural environment as the sale of land-use rights, the establishment of pastures and the strong migratory influence from the southern and Midwest states of the country. To make the development policy of the Brazilian Amazon integration possible , the municipality of Paragominas comes up with the construction of the highway BR -14 , known as the highway Belém- Brasília, bringing perspectives of road- territorial integration from the Amazon to the other states of the Federation, providing the Amazon occupation. In recent years, however, significant changes are occurring in Paragominas related to the family farming with the implementation of public policies, rescuing the mixed or dairy farming as an alternative to generate significant and regular income throughout the year. The family farmers insertion in the dairy production chain introduces a new marketing logic, and changes to the production systems. These producers will invest in their production continuously, considering more than a food supply to their families or as a living savings. The general objective of this Master's dissertation was to identify and analyze the different ways of dairy production and its influence to the family farmers’ practices from the municipality of Paragominas, in the Pará State. This work was developed over the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 using: secondary data analysis; researching primary information with field surveys and application of questionnaires with semi-structured questions; preparation of typologies; and retrospective interviews based in the Moulin Method (2005), which is the study of rural transformation through the identification and interpretation of technical, economic and social changes occurred in terms of production systems as in the study area. Based on studies conducted about dairy farming with farmers from this municipality, it is found a change caused by these factors in their production systems, leading prospects of better investment, market insertion and improvement of quality of life. This change is due to external factors as migration, the dairy production structure, commercialization of products, and the recent sanitary inspections that occurred in the city