
O processo de periferização e violência urbana na baixada belenense: um estudo sobre os agentes territoriais e os homicídios no bairro da Terra Firme nos anos de 2011 a 2019

The urban space can be understood as a mosaic of dialectical relations between society and space over time, in other words, the city can be incorporated as a set of human and historical relations in space. Among them, it is mentioned the formation of differentiated and contradictory areas driv...

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Autor principal: NASCIMENTO, Robson Patrick Brito do
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/15378
The urban space can be understood as a mosaic of dialectical relations between society and space over time, in other words, the city can be incorporated as a set of human and historical relations in space. Among them, it is mentioned the formation of differentiated and contradictory areas driven by the current capitalist system. An example of this is the dynamics of cities in underdeveloped countries that presented accelerated urbanization and because of this brought several problems that extend to the present day, among them is the peripheralization that is marked by the unequal production of urban space that is configured in relations between center and periphery. The central areas are highlighted for their visibility and concentration of resources and capital, so investments and the presence of the State becomes more effective, unlike what happens in the urban peripheries of the capital of Pará, which were produced by low-income groups that were segregated from the city center. Therefore, these spaces started to be self-built and occupied in an accelerated and unplanned way by the State. On the outskirts, as is the case of the Terra Firme neighborhood, the public power is inefficient with regard to its territorial actions, so these spaces become conditions for new territorialities that seek to establish their power relations, as in the case of drug trafficking and militias and often generate tensions and as a result violence is present in these locations. The objective of this research is to understand the dynamics of homicides between the years 2011 to 2019, and its relationship with the precarious areas of Terra Firme district, as well as with the territorial actors involved with their territorialities. The method adopted was the historical and dialectical materialist, which allowed a discussion on socio-spatial analyzes and power relations in the territory. We used thematic cartography geoprocessing tools such as Quantum Gis, linking homicide data from the SIAC, to IBGE data and its social indicators. This dissertation is divided into four essential chapters, the first is consistent with a methodological approach to the research, the second the theoretical discussion, the third the characterizations and peripheralization of the neighborhood of Terra Firme and the last chapter corresponds to the analysis of homicides and agents that manifest themselves from the power gaps left by the State.