
O exercício dos direitos de acesso ambiental como garantidores de democracia ambiental e direitos humanos: os impactos socioambientais, após a duplicação da Estrada de Ferro Carajás na cidade de Marabá – Pará

In this thesis, we investigated following the normative genesis of International Conventions and national legislation on the environment and human rights, on the extension and application of the so-called Rights of access to information, participation and access to justice in environmental iss...

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Autor principal: PINHEIRO, Olinda Magno
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/15475
In this thesis, we investigated following the normative genesis of International Conventions and national legislation on the environment and human rights, on the extension and application of the so-called Rights of access to information, participation and access to justice in environmental issues, and how they have been effective or not, the exercise of these rights the reality of the neighborhoods Araguaia and Nossa Senhora Aparecida, located on the route of the “EFC” Railway, in the urban area of Marabá. It was defended and proved, as the main hypothesis, that the denial of these access rights opens space, not only for the violation of rights inherent to a healthy environment, but also contributes to mitigating the population's perception of socio-environmental impacts. In that, followed for this analysis, mainly the theoretical referential of the State of Environmental Democracy, and adopted as scientific method the hypothetical-deductive, which was allied to the technique of bibliographic and documentary research, together with the field research developed in these neighborhoods, in which several socio-environmental impacts were widely raised, mainly from the duplication of the railway branch between the years of 2012-2016, still having repercussions today, a diversity of negative impacts, linked to the exploration and disposal of ore through the railbranch. Thus, the feasibility of this thesis was considered, whose central problem was to research: to what extent, the individual or collective exercise of environmental access rights, has contributed to the perception and prevention of socio-environmental impacts, especially in the Araguaia and Nossa Senhora Aparecida neighborhoods, in the urban area of Marabá, located on the EFC route (Estrada de Ferro Carajás). In conclusion, that in communities such as those studied in this research, the exercise of environmental access rights, in its three modalities, is of fundamental importance for the defense of the environment and also of other human rights, but it is fully observable that there is a nimbalance of forces among affected populations in the face of big business, represented by companies and their strategies to control social and population risks, thus affecting the exercise of environmental democracy and the guarantee of other human rights.