
Narrativas orais: vestígios da história da Comunidade da Praia do Crispim-PA

The present research carried out a communication study with the purpose of collecting and registering, in written form, the oral narratives in order to identify possible traces of the history of the Community of Praia do Crispim-PA, so as to understand how the community emerged and became one of the...

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Autor principal: SANTOS, Maria Mirlley Farias dos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/16100
The present research carried out a communication study with the purpose of collecting and registering, in written form, the oral narratives in order to identify possible traces of the history of the Community of Praia do Crispim-PA, so as to understand how the community emerged and became one of the most relevant to the Salgado region. To collect the narratives, we counted on the collaboration of social actors who are important to the community, because both were among the first to migrate to the place, and because they have memories, practices, and knowledge about the beach region, besides having a strong relationship with the place they live in. The interest in this research arose after finding out that there are no official records that relate the history of the community. Thus, the goal of this research is to show how oral narratives can contribute to the anderstanding of the history and memory of the community. As well as to register the oral narratives, so that one can understand how the Crispim community emerged, as well as how the environment and the social life of the community changed over time. As a theoretical basis we rely on those who address the study of narratives: Ricoeur (1994), Souza (2010), Halbwachs (2013) and Benjamin (1985). About the concepts of memories and history: Le Goff (1990), Maciel (2017), and Sodré (2002). The field research emerged in the methodological molds of narrative research by Motta (2013, 2017) and the notes of Jovchelovitch & Bauer (2008) on the narrative interview, which is considered a qualitative research method, unstructured and in-depth interview.