
Dinâmica e desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar: o caso da Vila Amélia, Breves/Pará

It is analysed, departing from a social-environmental diagnosis of Vila Amélia, in Mapuá river Breves/PA municipal district, the nets of relations established among agro-extractivistic workers and boss (merchants and undertakers/ land owners) and the consequences of this social interaction model fo...

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Autor principal: HERRERA, José Antônio
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1646
It is analysed, departing from a social-environmental diagnosis of Vila Amélia, in Mapuá river Breves/PA municipal district, the nets of relations established among agro-extractivistic workers and boss (merchants and undertakers/ land owners) and the consequences of this social interaction model for the actual configuration of the social-polictic-environmental scenery in this community. Departing from the pressuposed that the comprehension of these relationships is a sine-qua-nom condition in order to think about other less predatory, less authoritarian and more social responsible growth models. Here are emphasized some questions related to the conservation and sustainability of the productive ways and the unequal relations of work and land control, focalizing the mainly familiar logic of the activities as an element of capital importance in the working of the agro-extractivistic systems. Departing from the areas occupation dynamic and the characteristics of the familiar nucleus, the research points indicatives for the understanding of the ambiguous dependence relation manifested by the agro-extractivistic workers and their resistance to the discussion of the sustainable growth proposal presented by Ecomapuá enterprise. It still discusses the possibilities of the overcoming of this relation by the social-polictic organization, essential factor for the construction of every growth proposal that intends to involve, in fact, the local inhabitants as the subjects of their own historical process, with objectives, wishes, asprirations and dreams that need to be considered.