
Avaliação de perdas de água do sistema de abastecimento de água da Cosanpa, na Região Metropolitana de Belém-PA

This work has as objective to analyze the water losses in the supplying system of the COSANPA that takes care of to the demand of the Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB), emphasizing the importance that the process of formation and the urban growth of the RMB has in relation the water losses, in the...

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Autor principal: VELOSO, Thomás Pinheiro
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: Portuguese
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1667
This work has as objective to analyze the water losses in the supplying system of the COSANPA that takes care of to the demand of the Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB), emphasizing the importance that the process of formation and the urban growth of the RMB has in relation the water losses, in the measure where this process forced the COSANPA to take care of to a number each bigger time of users with improvised workmanships, taking the prevalence of the improvisation and the empiricist in the operation of this system. The research was carried through for all the area of the RMB, since it would be impossible to determine the losses index for an isolated sector, in result of the absence of sectoring of the net of water supply that makes it difficult the attainment of more necessary operational information. The methodology used for the determination of the losses index of the system of water supply of the COSANPA in the RMB, was based on the study carried through for Silva et al (1998) for the National Program of Combat to the Wastefulness Water (PNCDA) and that in 2004 it was revised by Marcka (2004). The results gotten with the determination of the losses pointers of basic and average level of complexity reflect the fragility of the COSANPA through highest losses index, that besides being related the structural problems, are aggravated by the operational deficiencies of this system. One concludes that measured as the sectoring of the net of water supply, hydrometer, update of register in cadastre, use of new technologies for detention of emptyings and frauds and the operational qualification, with the manual technician creation, are combat tools the actual and apparent losses that can change the current picture of the COSANPA.