
Poder local e a gestão da educação municipal no contexto de Altamira-Pará

Based on discussions which take as theme the resignification of the local power as a mobilizing force, and its relationship with the municipal education management, this dissertation tries to problematize if the institutional definitions and the practices executed by the Educational Secretariat of A...

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Autor principal: MILEO, Irlanda do Socorro de Oliveira
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: Portuguese
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1702
Based on discussions which take as theme the resignification of the local power as a mobilizing force, and its relationship with the municipal education management, this dissertation tries to problematize if the institutional definitions and the practices executed by the Educational Secretariat of Altamira-PA have contributed to the invigoration of the local power, in order to understand how far the educational process allows the formation and introduction of social agents in society democratization processes. Having as corpus of investigation the management of Educational Policies in this city, called Programa Rede Vencer (previously called Escola Campe?), developed in partnership with Instituto Ayrton Senna, strategies and practices proposed by SEMEC are evaluated in what concerns participation and protagonism of Altamiran Community, examining therefore, the nature of constituted and related nets among this organization and the actors and social segments. By establishing the articulation between the methodology of social nets and some principles of analysis of discourse, this research identifies contradictory perceptions and attitudes according to democratic government sense, decentralization and autonomy, as well as the population participation in deliberation and sharing of power processes so that the definitions instituted by the Educational Secretariat can reveal the centralizing character when managing the educational policy by ignoring the scholar community and being indifferent to its definition and implementation. In addition, the actual paper evidences that the educational management lies on a rational / bureaucratic model, based on performance results control which only favors the centralization of decisions in the ambit of SEMEC and the Mayor's office and, consequently, the removal and alienation of school and society actors. Finally, it is clear that the educational process, in its administrative and curricular dimension, hasn?t provided the citizens with the proper sociopolitical formation yet, as well as it hasn't contributed to the creation of more participative channel aiming to conquer democratization of the local power in Altamira.